#02: Interactive Video Marketing

Learn about interactive video marketing and the benefits it can bring you
Hello and welcome to the second episode of The Interactive Video Podcast! I'm your host, Brett Lindenberg, and this week we're diving into a very exciting topic - interactive video marketing.

You've heard of video marketing - but do you know what INTERACTIVE video marketing is and the benefits it can bring you? Let's talk about it…

When we're building out interactive marketing campaigns for clients here at Mindstamp, we like to peg success on 3 key questions:
  • Did they see the content?
  • Did they understand the content?
  • Did they take the action you wanted them to?

SEE. UNDERSTAND. ACT. The holy grail of effective marketing. If you can check all 3 boxes, you're off to the races. 

So, how does interactive video help you achieve each of these? Compared to regular videos, interactive videos allow you to do a few things

Drive actions - add clickable buttons, hotspots, or images that take them to your website, a checkout page, a registration portal, and more. With clickable elements, you allow the viewer to take the action as soon as they are ready - not just when the video ends.

Collect Leads and Information - capture viewer's contact information - like name, email, and phone - and ask other qualifying questions throughout the video to learn about their interest and preferences.

Sync captured data to other systems - send your viewer information to HubSpot, Salesforce, Zoho, Google Sheets, your database, or anywhere else it needs to go. Interactive video empowers workflows that help you run your business or organization on autopilot.

Measure engagement - get deep analytics every time somebody presses play. You'll see who's watching, exactly which portions they watched, where they fell off, where they skipped to, and more. As your video gets more views, the data will start to spell a clear picture of what's resonating and where you are losing people, allowing you to continually improve the content over time.

Dynamic experiences - video branching is a powerful and highly utilized technique to allow your viewer to choose their own experience. You can chain multiple videos together and allow the viewer to choose where they go next. This gives them a feeling of being in control, increases brand affinity, and allows you to truly understand what people are looking for in your content. With video branching, you'll see the exact path of somebody interacting with your video content as they move between videos. You might be surprised at what you find!

Personalized Experiences - Interactive video allows you to personalize the video to each viewer. You can use variables like their name in any interaction to make it feel it was created specifically for them. If you're using a CRM like HubSpot to send out emails, you can include ANY information about the viewer and use it in the video - company size, last purchase date, dress size, etc. This is enormously powerful and personalization will be the standard in coming years. If you're curious about personalization, hit us up!

All of this can be done through normal channels - on your website, via email, on social media sites, and more. If you can reach your client on a channel, you can deliver an interactive video experience!

Let's run through a couple question we often get about interactive video marketing:

What data / metrics can I see?

Each view on Mindstamp includes 
  • Viewer information, including name, email, and phone if captured
  • Exact start and stop times
  • Watched Seconds and Total percentage watched (accurate, not an estimate)
  • All interactions
  • Questions answered, both correctly and incorrectly if applies
  • Region-level location

Can I send my leads and data to other services?

  • Absolutely, that's the benefit of interactive video! You can set your videos on Mindstamp to send data to HubSpot, Salesforce, Constant Contact, Segment, and pretty much anywhere else. We offer Webhooks for view and interaction data in realtime and do custom integrations for clients with greater needs. Our Enterprise API also allows you to pull and manage your data on your own schedules. 

Is it hard to constantly create new video marketing content?
  • Traditional video content is both expensive and time consuming to create. Mindstamp solves this by allowing you to continually update, revise, and tweak your content based on how viewers are interacting. Mindstamp videos always stay up to date, so you can add questions or interactions throughout it and never have to update your video link or embed codes. Plus, using personalization and conditional logic will allow you to create infinite variations of a video to A/B test and improve as the data comes in. Net net - it's never been easier to create dynamic, fresh content without all the hassle.

That's it for this episode of the Interactive Video Podcast - thanks for tuning in! Next time, we'll cover another incredible use for interactive video: training. Until then, head to Mindstmap.io to create your first video for free in seconds, and drop us a line if you have any questions!


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